Ain't nothing worse than loneliness....

designed by [eaglefeather]
Friday, April 30, 2010


Okay, the lakers v thunder series just ended a few minutes ago, and lakers won game 6 95-94. Close win, but yeah, that's cool. TOTALLY.


[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 9:29 PM

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Okay, it's been a while since I last poseted anything haha.

I shall start with today. Went school as per normal, but forgot to go for the 12 X 200m trials haha, hope jing han will still put me in the team :O Anyway, after school, went to play a bit of basketball with Mark haha, damn cool, me and Mark got damn lot teamwork sia haha. anywayz, after bball, went to gym training. Signed ppl up for the tamp op comp, then went gym to train double backflip. FINALLY MANAGED TO DO IT ON TRAMP WOOHOO!!!!!.

Okay, yesterday, the day before, and wth almost everyday is the same lol. But I <3 today haha. Oh damn, I have a feeling that a few someones will be bugging me to do double back on tramp tmr after reading this. Oh wells...

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 4:31 AM

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hi I survived the ordeal so explicitly described in my last post. Which is the primary reason this post is here anyway.

OMFG I can't believe I actually managed to do double back sia. AND ON TRAMP :O

Eh but got houzheng pushing mat for me and so many ppl standing around trying to protect me you'd think that Í was trying triple back with 900... but no lah, double back nia guys XD


Okay I'm not going training until probably friday next week, so I srsly hope I still have the skillz to do it... and whoever wants to see it BETTER GO TRAINING ON FRIDAY! YOU KNOW I'M TALKING TO YOU

Well gtg nurse my neck, landed on my face two times before I managed to do it :X

So long, guys!

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 7:49 AM

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Well my bone is almost perfectly healed, and that's a good thing because IT MEANS I CAN TRAIN TOMORROW!!!! WHEE!!!!!

okay, I'm overreacting, but it feels hell nice not to have a knife sticking into your chest everytime you breathe. I haven't went for another X-Ray yet, but the fact that I PLAYED BASKETBALL YESTERDAY AND HIT AT LEAST 10 THREE POINTERS AND HAD THREE BLOCKS AND MORE THAN FIFTY POINTS MEANS I'M ALMOST PERFECT.

SO THERE, double backflip tomorrow. Let's see if my luck holds out, or my neck is the one being X-Rayed tomorrow evening. XD

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 2:56 AM

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oh well, Haven't posted for a few days haha.

Gym camp was boomz. We had LOTS of fun haha, doing bull shit and talking and generally making a fool of ourselves. But it was really fun haha. But I injured myself, wtf.

I was doing something on the tramp. Dono what, forgot. But I flew out of the tramp and landed on my ribcage. Pain sia.

Felt OK yesterday, so I didn't care much about it. But at night, WHOA! the pain grew pain-er and pain-er until it was literally and figuratively pain-full. Well, painful, but you get the idea.

So went for X-Ray scan juz now. Hairline crack on the seventh rib, WTF. Will recover next saturday at the latest, so I'm hoping I can get a bit on training in on friday.

DAMN lah haha.

Oh well there's nothing else. Byes XD

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 10:14 PM

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Well guys, the words' colour is a bit strange. But I'll fix it soon, don't worry. and yea, damn, my blog has no tags :X

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 2:16 AM

MAN, gym nationals 2010 is OVERRRR.

Well, HC as usual did damn well... not surprising though. I expected as much. BUT, hey, tramp we won ALL the team medals, while artistic... errhmm...*coughs*

Damn, I miss basketball. IDC, I'm so gonna play and shoot threes and... yeah, you get the basic idea.

Crap, I realised I gotta change my blogskin, cos for this one, I have to put up a post LONGer than timothy LONG to make it look normal...

Well I'll go find now :D

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 1:02 AM

Friday, April 9, 2010

Damn, played basketball with the school team people today. I just realised how much I've deproved. 20 points on 8-of-14 shooting, about 2 steals, about 8 rebounds, and dno how many assists, but not much. Damn!

Well but I feel better, knowing that I can still shoot threes. And holy crap, the basketball team people damn niao sia, don't even wanna guard me when I shootin threes. So I SHOW THEM by shooting four in. Went 4-of-7 from three-point range, and whatsmore with Rong Hao guarding me lol. I bet he was slacking though, he looked slack. Oh but nvm, I still scored :D And I HIT THE GAME WINNER XDDDD So the day turned out to be at least A BIT productive haha.

Damn, no gym camp. Well, lets hope its next week haha. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 7:15 AM

Thursday, April 8, 2010
A bit of sex in the blog wouldn't do harm, i think

Tuesdays give me the creeps. Wednesday made me one.

On Wednesday, I went to tuition. When I was coming back from the tuition class, I got so freaking squashed by all the people on the bus I thought my pimples are going to pop there and then and spray around the bus in a gory mess. Thank god it didn’t, though I wouldn’t have really minded ridding my face of all this bullshit. Well, reaching home, I prayed to whatever gods there are up there that on Thursday, the situation would be better

On Wednesday, I reached school without any mishap. The same could not be said about the return trip though. Well, I was happily waiting for my bus. It came at FREAKING 2PM!!!??? I should have known that boded evil. Instead, I ignored my primal instincts and entered the bus like a fox down a rabbithole. And yeah, I thought, o.o there’s one seat. ONE SINGLE, COMFORTABLE, INVITING seat just waiting for me to put my big fat butt on it and doze through to hell. Okay, so I made my rather-hurried-but-not-appearing-hurried-because-I-was-wearing-school-uniform way to that seat. And guess what? This big, fat, ugly NY girl pushed RIGHT past me and planted her big, fat, ugly butt on that seat. MY SEAT. Well, being the gracious HC gentleman I am (!!!!!!), I gallantly let her enjoy her short lived peace on that seat. BUT when I turned around, oh horror of horrors! The bus had already filled up with so many NY girls you’d think Little Bo-Peep had found all her sheep and stuffed them into this bus. Well, I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad, so I settled with the expression “being on cloud nine”. In both ways, if you catch my drift. I wouldn’t entirely mind squeezing near SOME of them, or squeezing them, for that matter. Well I actually felt like the poverbial tuna in the tin. Oh, and I had to stand ALL THE WAY HOME. What a waste of leg muscles, if you ask me.

When I alighted at my stop, OH GAWD, I WAS SOOOO EMBARRESSED! I was about to exit from the bus, when BIG, FAT AND UGLY stuck me at the door. She was about to alight, but she was going round in her bag….well wrong expression, she couldn’t have fit into a lorry. Okay, she was rifling through her bag for her wallet, and I was like, stuck behind her. Then the bus driver thought that nobody else was going to alight, so he shut the door IN MY FACE. Well what could I do, I spammed the little red button like my life depended on it. And she was like, screaming beside me,(in chinese) “UNCLLLLEE!!!! WE HAVEN’T GET OFFFFF THE BUS YETTTTTTT!!!!!!” Holy shyt, everybody was staring at me, giving me the “hey, is that your sister? Take her and freaking gettout of the darn bus!” Oh, I was so damn embarressed man.

Holy gawd, troubling experience in a half-hour span. I gotta go and pray sia. Or I’ll reach my point of insanity before I reach army.

Errr QIAO YOU FREAKING WEREN’T AT HIGH SCHOOL CANTEEN TODAY! Oh and there’s something known as idiocy. I brought Mark and Qixiang to watch the GIRLS gymnastics, then we ended up being late for assembly. Damn!

Oh, met Jonas at the bus stop. We were exchanging sex jokes haha.

Me: Hey Jonas, what’s the similarity between a hot girl and a bus?
Jonas: Well, umm…
Me: You wait damn long to go for a 20 minute ride
Jonas: Oh Gawd.
Jonas: Okay, a guy scolded his blonde wife for being lousy in bed, then he went to work. At work, he felt guilty for scolding his wife, so he called her. She picked up the phone, he said, “Hi honey, whatcha doing now?” The wife replied, “still in bed” He was baffled, so he asked, “what are you doing in bed at this hour?” Guess what she said?
Me: That’s a long one… okay, err she said she felt sad?
Jonas: “getting a second opinion, darling”
Me: OH GAWD -.-
Me: Here’s a good one, short and sweet. What’s the difference between a wife and a dog?
Jonas: They’re both f***ed up?
Me: Nice thinking, no.
Jonas: Then?
Me: Oh, it’s quite simple. After one year, the dog will still be excited to see you!
Jonas: Damn!

Some people just don’t know where to draw the line, do they?

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 6:16 AM

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Several nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Afghanistan are promoting community-based or home-based schooling (HBS) as one approach to increasing education access for Afghans, especially for girls."

AMAZING. I wanna be an afghan girl T.T

Well the past two days have been a farce. Monday morning was entirely wasted at the gym. Not in the gym, AT the gym, which means we were at the cold, uncomfortable, stuffy stone benches at the second storey. However did I manage to fall asleep there I seriously don't know. All I know is that I slept through the whole thing, after all, what's there to watch for C'div artistic? As if I've never watched before, I can even DO it, for goodness' sake. Today was a bit more productive. Watched B'div and A'div compete. Honestly, it's much more exciting than C'div, thousands of times over. But I still slept abit haha, damn don't know what's up with me.

Oh something funny happened. I took Kester's bag as a pillow while he was down there competing. then when he came up, I was asleep (already?). So kester was like, "Dennis, Dennis, Dennis, Dennis..." Then I was like, totally OBLIVIOUS haha. So sorry Kester.

I feel damn weird now. I'm wearing my father's shirt. Well it feels weird, cos people may mistake it as a dress -.-

Project day comp tomorrow. Damn I don't have a project, so I'll have to waste my hours being a chairman. Or chairboy. Or chairteen. Whatever, my ass will be stuck to an uncomfortable plastic chair for HOURS on end, and the worse thing is there's no training tomorrow because of comp, so I won't have anywhere to vent my frustration. Therefore, I'll vent it here now prematurely, instead of doing it posthumously tomorrow.

Oh gawd I <3 my music. My mum says that whenever I use my com I'll have a epileptic fit, but oh wells, those mere mortals can't achieve the nirvana that we teens have, can they? And I don't really care, I LOVE MY MUSIC! BEAT THAT, STINKA!

Oh hell I've got a powerpoint to do, and its.... you guessed it, AFGHANISTAN. Okay maybe you didn't, but who cares :D

Gotta run, another time peeps!

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 5:42 AM

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sometimes, you wake up feeling like you haven't slept at all. You think, when in the world did I fall asleep? Then the pathetic truth dawn on you: when you were too tired to stay awake.

Amazingly, I managed to survive through the day though, in no way thanks to 4 heavy doses of caffeine in the darn morning. Honestly, who drinks that much coffee? I wouldn't if it weren't for the 2 tuition classes I had today. Honestly.

And today, of all days, it had to rain. I loitered around Singapore aimlessly in my Kobe 5's and sulked, cursing the sun, the clouds, the rain, whatever there is to curse.


Amazingly, NJ Nets beat NO Hornets. Sounded to me like Timothy Long being able to see his feet, the probability was almost that high.

Speaking of Timothy Long, I happen to have a hypothesis about him. He is fat, that is a fa(c)t, but fat with what? I still remember him running around with me in the gym, chasing me all around the world, and wtf, he wasn't tired while I was. Zomg. And on comps day, at dinner, he beat me at arm wrestling. Amazing much? So what's all that bulging stuff under that sticky, oily, flabby, (choose your own adjective) skin? LOL.

Essays have a way of killing people. I thought my fingers were going to fall of. Did a 2000 word chinese essay in the morning, did one english essay in the afternoon, and finished writing another english essay just now. And I have a theory about punctuation marks. Punctuation marks were designed so students could misuse/forget to use them. Hence my essays was full of mistakes which I didn't know how to correct because I was stumped as to which punctuation marks I was supposed to use oh well who cares cos I certainly don't give a shit about punctuation marks btw if you not happy with this sentence you can just skip it oops I came to the end of the sentence.

If there's one thing I hate, it's people who can write essays at the speed of Minyi ranting at everybody and anybody. They must have had bionic implants in their arms. Or maybe Tracy Yong extracted some brain juice and another portion of arm muscles and passed them on to those people (Rena and Gloria). Oh, I heard she was a gymnast once ^^

HOLY CRAP I'm addicted to grass jelly drink :O

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 6:16 AM




designed by eaglefeather

March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010