Ain't nothing worse than loneliness....

designed by [eaglefeather]
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

COMP DAY!!!!!!

Was quite fun today. Went to school early in the morning to get the tramp tees. Love them sia, damn creative. anyway, after that, met the others at gym, then went off to CCAB.

Comp at CCAB was boomz sia. Reached there around 11.40, though we're supposed to reach at 11.30 lols. But the hall was half-empty, so we got a good spot to see the tramp. C'div started around 12.30. Our C'div didn't do very well, 'cos everybody got minor screw-ups here and there. but surprisingly, we got team gold for C'div. o.o

Went to prata shop for lunch with seniors (and one junior). LOL something funny happened. I asked Chun Yan to get more mayonnaise from the man ços i like the mayonnaise, goes well with plain prata (which I ordered). BUT BUT BUT... my prata arrived first, so I started eating, and then just as I finished my two pieces of prata, Chun Yan's mayonnaise came. -.- Anyway, had to go off earlier than the others cos Aki came and chased me back to the gym for B'div comp. I was waiting for my drink, wtf. So anyway, went up after Whitley Sec. Omgoshh, Whitley had alot of major screw-ups lol.

So after Whitley, it was hwachong. Houzheng, Chor Hian, Me, Yi-Xiang and Daniel - The Dream Team. We all were damn successful sia, got damn high scores. Houzheng was 8.20, Chor Hian was 8.10, I got 8.35, Yi-Xiang 8.40(wtf) and Daniel 8.25. So overall, we did good enough to win team gold, and we swept the individual medals AND the team trophy. WOW, Wang must be like celebrating now lor. A div both also won team gold, and A'Div girls also swept all the individual medals. HC OWNAGE!!!!

Went to play abit of basketball after that, then went Everything With Fries for dinner with the gym team. OMGOSHH I SPENT $13+!!!??? It was super ex, but they gave alot haha. laughed alot too during dinner, at the expense of a few certain somebodies *wink wink*. Went home around 8+ with Jeanne and Qiao.

So, today's not bad, and this year's quite good too.


[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 7:45 AM

Monday, March 29, 2010

Okay, today is like, screwed shit or what? I seriously hate it when things aren’t going too well for me/others. In the following paragraph, I will catalogue today’s events.

Went to school in the morning. Almost didn’t catch the bus, btw. Anyway, got to school, then had a bit of fun in class. Well, after school, went for a bit of basketball. Felt my knee start to hurt me, so I stopped. Went back to class, packed my bag then went gym. During training, after the first test by Wang, my knee started to hurt more and more, so much that I couldn’t help it but clutch my knee in pain. Luckily, got my good friend/junior Hou Zheng who came and asked me how am I. so I told him my knee hurts and this kind soul went to get an ice pack for me. Then, when I was lying there, almost everybody which walked past me asked the same question: what happened to him? So I got lots of get-well-soons and you-better-be-able-to-jump-for-comps, blah blah blah. Lie there for half an hour, went for another test, managed to get a 8.35, and lie down until go home.

*the next paragraph is a ranting paragraph*

Okay I am SOOOOO angry with my knee! Yea, it’s been hurting from eons ago, but why, oh why does it have to get more serious NOW!!!??? Just when comps are coming, my knee has to act up!!!???? &^$&^%#)^*)@^#)*&%$!!! My knee is seriously FUBAR now. I can’t freaking MOVE it without it throwing me into spasms of pain. And icing it DOES NOT HELP, WTF!!!!!! I tried for don’t know how many hours liao, STILL NO EFFECT!!!??? I’m thinking of icing it all night. But Daniel says that if I do that my leg will drop off tomorrow HAHAHAHAHAHA. So I’m not gonna do it. But, F***!!!! I WANT MY KNEE BACK!!!!!! RETURN ME MY KNEE!!!! RROOOAAARRRRR!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I’m done ranting. Oh, but today Minyi also screwed up lols. She did backflip then when she did the half twist to seat drop, dropped onto the blue mat instead lol. And TWICE!!! ROFL! So now me and her are exchanging well wishes on MSN. Lol. Minyi get better okay! In both areas(back and tramp).

I’m quite looking forward to comps, ‘cos pon school 2 days + R & R with gymmers after comps. Oooh. They say they going KAP or KBOX haha. I WANNA GO!!!!!!

Sigh… wish my knee a speedy recovery...

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 6:10 AM

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Okay, I just got this inclination to set up a new blog. I don't know why, maybe its because I've been trawling through everybody's blogs and feel sian that I don't have one...

Anywayz, where shall I start? Okay, today. Well, gym comp's around the corner, so I went training today. Wang invited the CEO of Tramp Association Singapore to come and help us see our routine...and we got lots of nice tips haha. But lin was like, srsly kb-ing about how lousy our routines lols... guess we'll just have to improve on monday (last day), or else B'div Tramp is SCREWED BIG TIME. But hey, The DREAM TEAM has nothing to fear rite?

LOLs the A'div girls went too today, but they were super slack lor. All of them were lazing around and doing nothing... except for sis who was jumping like comps tomorrow lol. And Minyi. OMg I still can't believe that she could connect the whole routine alr... and it was only like february that she started to learn all the moves... not like Qiao liddat, whole day pon still don't want to train hard... tsk tsk.

After training, went home prepared for cousin's wedding dinner. WOW the food was AMAZING. Especially the fish and the ABALONE!!!! Argh I just came back and now I'm craving for it alr... speaking of food, yesterday me and Tim Long were comparing who's FATTER... like ohmygosh, can you believe it sia...


I can't wait for comps sia.... Tramp then basketball WOOHOO! And CHINAMAN ZHU YOU DON'T NEED TO HOPE OF PLAYING MY BALL.

Minyi or anybody else haven't talked to me on MSN yet... Things are going well for the time being...

So Long!

[ ` l a m e n t a t i o n s * ]
at 7:44 AM




designed by eaglefeather

March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010